eBooks will make a big difference to publishers. There are two main types of publishing, traditional publishing and self-publishing, otherwise known as indie (independant) publishing.
In traditional publishing, the author completes the manuscript, and then sends it to a publishing house. Then an editor reads it and decides whether it is suitable for the house, and decides to publish it or reject it. If the publishing house decides to publish the book, the house buys the rights from the writer and pays him or her an advance on future royalties. The house puts up the money to design and package the book, prints as many copies of the book as it thinks will sell, markets the book, and finally distributes the finished book to the public.
In self-publishing, the author effectively becomes the publisher. He himself normally does the final editing and decides the marketing and distributing of the books. In almost all cases, the book goes only on the internet, and becomes an eBook. The largest profit from this is that you only create the number of copies you sell and also there is no cost of printing.
So, in my view due to the development of eBooks, traditional publishing and their publishers will slowly fall out of business, being replaced by self-publishers and eBooks.