Wkikleaks has been the centre of a lot of attention recently, and rightly so. Wikileaks release secret, private or classified documuments, which had been hidden from the public beforehand. Wikileaks is a non-profit organisation, lead by Julian Assange (right).
Many people are calling for him to be killed, and he could face a death penalty if extradited to the United States (see here). In my opinion though, Wikileaks is a force for good. The public have a right to know about something that is going on in their country, after all they are the ones paying taxes to keep the counry going. If soldiers are shooting innocent civilians, people should know about it, and in my opinion it is the fault of the soldiers, not Wikileaks. Julian Assange and Wikileaks are doing good to the world, making it better and safer place. Assange has been accused of rape, maybe unfairly, but in my opinion it does not matter because Wikileaks will not stop, it is doing the world a great justice.